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The poem about the NFT ArtWear Series entitled "Astronauts" 

What is the Light. What is darkness. What is dust versus matter. Could it be that my body is mine? What is the human vehicle. Perhaps joint systems that work through perpetual miracle and, if so, who am I supposed to be, conscious miracle? Matter or Being. I will remember my origin on the journey or the journey will remember my origin. Who told me this is true. Is what they told me true? Sometimes I look and see nothing. Nothing is nothing. Everything will be everything. I observe what is not seen with the eyes, so what should the eyes be? If I raise my attention I realize that there is nothing, but I also see everything because this horizon is not a horizon, it is up and down in all directions. This is the consciousness in which I extend myself, infinite existence. How to make the infinite existence. How existence is extended. Is life existence? It will be pulsating and going in all directions. What are those addresses. Drive is what we want to call life. What is living! Living is subject or noun because the verb is not enough. What does this phenomenon pursue? What does that and that symbolize? Is this true? Who are lost. Why did they decide to die lost losing their breath. I forget ... that, the worst way. Why allow oblivion. Why not be? Who shot you down on the road. Was you? Why do not you get up. Get up, wake up and remove the veil! Remove the veil, wake up and get up. Revelation comes to all of us, revelation comes to all. Reach? Travelers of the multiversal quantum, jump freely in completeness and consciousness.


Remember what it is to be free. You are complete. You raised your consciousness or chose to lose it as a lifeless being, and if you chose to remember that you have life, your will is a channel for divine expression. You are the breath of life or you are the life of breath. Your works are being unfinished. You are a traveler! Part of the perpetually dynamic and expansive great organism. The great living being that includes all those infinite consciousnesses, those infinite consciousnesses full of knowledge. Who are you! You travel between the ten lights of the Tree of all existence and existences. The existence of the three columns lives in you. Do the 10 lights emanate from you? You remember the most intense essence. UNLIMITED LIGHT from UNLIMITED LIGHT! Do you remember the principles that the wise hide or your ego hides the principles. Will you open the channels for the path of life to run? You will run down this path. You accept the mission of the triangle. You remember the beginning of the Universe. You may? You can connect with the energy of the Father and the Mother; there is the door. Some call it the door of wisdom, the door of madness. Love. And the house is love as love is the house. You know love or you are already love. Thus we pour ourselves into part of the worlds. You know the worlds. What's yours! The creative world, or the world of mental models? Mental or creative. The formative world, or that of invisible forces? Invisible or formative. What is it! You live only in this material world or in that of all actions and things. Meditation and understanding. Understanding or meditation. Meditate and understand. Your existence goes back on the road above, high flying high. I fly and express myself. I express myself by seeing, and by seeing I express myself. Do you see When I see I flourish and flourish I generate fruits. Are you blooming, are you blooming? Thus I become the eternal fugitive, and I am feeding myself to give food. Food comes from your flowers, these flowers pollinate the fields. What is your wish and what is your wish. What is your desire and what is your desire. Is it sharp? Because this frames your tank and this receptacle collects or collects. Do you gather? You move in the understanding where the beginning comes from the separation so tell me what you choose, because the breath of life lies on the twelve thrones. No longer hide yourself from the active and fiery power of the depths of the “Great Sea”. Take up the root of the fire and call the Air Spirit. Use the Root Fire and go. Go down the path and on the path go. There is more than an earthly vision. Come out of the self-imposed punishment and abandon the punishment tax.


Get out of there! Will you come out? You can be a seeker of liberation, as liberation itself. You can? Summarize the truths, go towards the door of the great pyramid, towards the Astral Light. Light the lamps of your inner stars, breathe and chant the names. You will use the oils to illuminate or you will turn into oil. Will you be oil? If so, you will be hand, and hand you will be with the vision of the intelligent prophet of will, and the will of the intelligence as a seer prophet in professed life. Tell me how will your days, your seas, your eras. Straight, restless or prosperous? You will practice conciliatory awareness on the palm of your hand to be encouragement, because the sting of guidance must understand the scales of the leader and the judge. You are ready to travel the long circuit of existence, its surroundings and surroundings. The road will take you or you will take the road. Everything and constant. Quiet, silent and mute, for the contemplation of the cause of the Power of Life. Then you will be mute like water and cosmic fluids. Will you be intelligence? You will exercise as stable intelligence, because this is the source of all consciousness. Do you understand the foundation and its bases? You commemorate the fourfold manifestation, because fourfold is its manifestation with life and life is manifestation. You remember your language and your elements because the Great Mother is the Root of all waters that is also a sea of ​​Light, which encourages and nourishes understanding. Do you know the Great Sea? It is within you, then? Did you lose the false self to free the true self? Are you already you, your true self? Did you restore the echo or do you fade into mental matter? You restored the echo. You are already able to reflect Light. Meditation works. Do you understand the fluid? You have to walk through the mirror of the world and then unite with the Power of Life. You live in pain or in pain. You live enclosed in the appearance of many, what is for you what, what is for you which. Will you trade movement for change, or will you just keep observing the phenomena of this generation. Do you live? Imaginative intelligence is an image-creating faculty in universal consciousness. How does your mind manifest? Observe how it is manifesting in your environment. Do you look? You destroy to build the new. What do you destroy? What do you build? 


You deconstruct the empty, what do you fill it with? All forms must change. Do you change What do you change in the universe of your imagination? Imagine to transform, your imagination will see the universe. What shapes flourish. How you reproduce. You create fundamental identity. You bleed to the foundation or you pick up the foundation. You seek the Fire of Life. You live in Gracia. You live tested by the Fire. What is your mandate, the glory? You glorify life, just as the metal of gold is appreciated divine. Strengthening, fullness, vision. You live the fullness from the vision. You are like a lion. You have looked at your appearance, your face, the color of your appearance. Are you united in unity? Do you die in the opposite? What is your pillar? The pillar of the severity of your darkness or the pillar of mercy that aligns with the Light. How do you see yourself now? You destroyed yourself as the foundation of your existence so what is your word? What do you cast as a hook? Which doors do you open with your right hand, which windows? What tickets do you buy? What trails you tread. Is it natural intelligence? What is your Sacred Science. What is your doctrine, the meaning of your existence. Or only thought dominates you, what about your structure and foundation? Where is your yearning? The true longing, where does it lie? Where do you lie, in longing? Will you still be tied to the knot of that rope or will you want to go and look at the Alpha and the Omega. Do you want to contemplate the head that is not the head? Can you see the crown for yourself? You will be amazed where the Light is limitless and the darkness more than radiant. If you could call it a place, would you want to go to this place? If so, prepare yourself with one and all consciousness and call on the consciousness of the body. You will use your Body Intelligence, then you will go through all the paths where your body will be completed with all the worlds. You can reproduce in all of them. In all of them you will reproduce. You will be, in them.


Will you bring collective intelligence to the core? You will be part of the glory and its splendor. You will stop confusing the physical sun with the Spiritual Sun. You will be that one, the one with the wings. You will know the meaning of the circle. Will you go back and forth? You will go back and forth. You will be fire that comes out of the flames. Will you descend from the primary rotary motion? You will be anointed by thunder. You will travel the fast lightning. You will see infinity. If you have come this far, you are ready for consummation or to be consumed because this is "the end that has no end." Do you understand that this is the moment? Are you aware that this is the creation of the continuation? Do you remember the lion, the eagle, the man and the bull? Because they are the four aspects of the absolute and the 4 elements. You know the four worlds within. You transit between the archetypal, creative, formative and material worlds. You are able to go into full manifestation. You are able? You will pass through the twenty-four thrones of the primary forces. Can you learn? The instruction or scholarship to witness the foundation is the key to accessing the source of all things, this being the goal of all efforts to find the source. Are you ready to enter the Source of your true Self? Will you be one of the seekers of all this Light? You will open the doors and windows that will empower you to see. You choose to be one of the great sages despite your beliefs. Do you choose to be one of the wise men despite your race and the age in which you think you are? Because it is in the Self where the jewel of eternity reveals its splendorous permanence. Do you know your true self? You have the magic stone of the wise. Will you see the truth? The secret of the ASTRONAUTS is being revealed to you, now it belongs to you.


                                                                         Original text by Edvard Nielsen & Copy Editor Inés Récamier



Curatorial text for the Collective Exhibition at Vía Libre Espacio Gallery.

What does life mean without transforming itself? Would it make sense to walk without moving forward? Where would the exciting trip and all that it represents be? Who would we be supposed to be here and now, without the holistic experience that has brought us here? The human being who stops perishes; For this reason, here is a flurry of conceptions brought from life, experiences, paths and internal universes: A group of creators who decide to expand between the worlds regardless of the vulnerable position that this generates.


They choose to be, showing themselves through the mutations that the tools embody guided by their intimate existence, revealing themselves, and revealing to us the different languages ​​in each work conceived.


This artistic exhibition documents and manifests the history of travelers who, starting from their existential entrails, give us original and realistic reflections on the current conditions of the context itself where fantasy lies on one side, since everything that is experienced is real and will be. prevailing to reflect until the end.


Metamorphosis is not a criticism, it is a vivid process that is permanently deconstructed and constructed based on different planes that are translated from thought, emotion and embodiment, combining with the revealed creation and generating as a result windows and doors that invite to introspection, conversation and experimentation with the transformations of the other, causing the observer to extend their gaze and question the understanding of their existence based on the experience of each work and each artist.


So well, we expand through what we experience and with each experience we transform. An extraordinary process in which every life is and will be touched by this phenomenon. Will you dare to caress the stories and surprise yourself experiencing how extraordinary it is to live? Are you ready to share the metamorphosis with us?


So, let's start this journey and connect with all our senses.



The personal tribute text to Yunes Nielsen on the ArtWear Series titled "CHULA" 

You were a Viking, fierce Dannebrog, proud of blood and master of masters, survivor, superhero, you ran after me in heels when they wanted to take me as an infant, an accomplice, a muse, a model. Sharp sword on this plane. You agreed to BE even when you didn't want to and it was challenging. Instructive, strong of conviction and of your own beliefs. Owner of your reality and your world. You decided to choose my life over yours and the energy gave us 41 years of roads. Clinging, sometimes otherworldly. Dark and bright. Light and dark.


Sometimes misunderstood, just the way I sometimes feel. Sweet, sour, tough and dangerous. Vulnerable without showing it to anyone. You lost battles but you won the war as and when you wanted. Like burning iron until the last moment. Persistent flower with thorns that reflected so much of everything. Your power could turn everyone upside down, perhaps that was the learning that most vividly left me.


I know it involves a great responsibility. Thank you portal, thank you Mother, thank you cool, thank you Yunes, thank you seer and messenger of the Multiverse. Thank you for the Blue Fire it consumes. Yesterday you decided to leave according to my beliefs, your mission was finished. Today I am deeply saddened, but I know that you returned to the JIJUD and your seat in Valhalla and that you are on my grandfather's side.


 I know you graduated with honors, I could know yesterday that I prostrated myself before your vehicle. I can only thank you again for everything light and especially for the dark. Thank you for teaching me and for showing me much of the wisdom that runs through my veins today. See what I want and what not in my life to choose it.





The poem about the ArtWear Series entitled "The  Masters Awakening" 

... past present future ...

... what is it but a grain of that obvious cornfield ...

... what is it but simultaneous unity ...

... what is it but the LIGHT that puts out the darkness ...

... look ...

... look ...

... look ...

... I ... it ... superego ...

... above ...

... more ...

... higher more ...

... up higher ...

... you know what you know ...

... you are who and where you are ...

... nothing ... fluid ... dust ... all ...

... I AM ...

... all in and nothing ...

... in nothing and everything in ...

... woke up ... woke up ... woke up ...

... I will accept ... I accept ... I accepted ...

... construction ... deconstruction ... construction ...

... renaissance ...

... universe ... multiverse ...

... to accept ...

... watch ...

... I recognize him and He recognize ...

... beyond the vehicle and vehicle beyond ...

... logos ... wisdom ... modsiw ... sogol ...

... truth ...

... final origin and origin final ...

... wake up ... pu ekaw ...

... masters awaken masters ...



Curatorial text for the Collective Exhibition at Vía Libre Espacio Gallery.

Recently reality and your perceptions have changed, but you already know that because we are all experiencing it firsthand. And this is where thoughts and realities are questioned, they incline towards infinite possibilities of confronting to internalize and exercise. But it is also an area of ​​opportunity to turn around and in the acceptance of the other to create conversations previously unheard of where contestants and conciliators unite in Grace with one voice. Not in the validation but in the understanding for the expansion of contemplation that generates the overflow of the true longing to generate transformational movements by and for the various contexts that are in vogue and that will largely guide the path that emerges.


WE, genuine passionate divergent, seducing our missions converging as the evidence of a cartogram: we dialogue about the currents and counter currents that concern you and us, nurturing collective consciences with diverse causes. Rigorous and subtle, technological and organic, disruptive and pacifying. Revealers of the material existence and the intangible that uncover vulnerable evidences of what the vivid experience of the plane of planes symbolizes today. Intertwined looks that also show coincidence and the joy of sharing. This is how we present ourselves work by work, inviting you to participate in each movement, let's build a close relationship that begins when your context is touched with the show to propose new dialogues that can nurture us together, giving life to our expansive.


Welcome to the circle where strangers will be known, fellow allies. Maybe more. Let's share this space where reasoning could find multiple opportunities where you will also be part of US.                                    


All Rights Reserved - Edvard Nielsen 2021

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